New Year's Eve 2023 Recap

(This is a poster image for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I couldn't find one that said 2024 on there, so I just went with this one. It's good for every New Year's, so expect it every New Year's from now on.) Well everyone, we made it through this year mostly and alive. Sure, there were low points as there are every year, but compared to the last three years, this was pretty good all things considered. Now, it's time to finally say goodbye to 2023, and what better way to do that than discuss all of the movies that I saw this year. I saw about 12 movies this year until the year's end, and I managed to see about 9 of them in theaters, which is way more than the last three years. I wrote individual reviews for about 7 of them, which you can read on DeviantART or on my new blog. Yes, that's right. I managed to fulfill my New Year's resolution from last year to create my own website. I mean, it's not exactly a full website, it's just...