My Thoughts on "The Ghost and Molly McGee"

(This is a poster image for The Ghost and Molly McGee .) Well, I’ve finally done it. I’ve finally posted a new post on here in the month of October that isn’t just a repost of something that I wrote on DeviantART a couple of years ago, and it couldn’t be anymore fitting that it’s a review of The Ghost and Molly McGee , a show that I started watching on-and-off starting July or August. It’s been about three months since I started this show, and now, on Wednesday October 23, 2024, I’ve finally watched the final episode. I wanted to make sure I finished this show and reviewed it before the end of October, and just in time for Halloween 🎃 because hey, it’s a show about ghosts 👻, I couldn’t picked a better time to review if I tried. I hope this makes up for me not reviewing The Wolfman 🐺 (2010) this month, which I did I kinda say that I would do, but obviously that didn’t come to pass. I couldn’t get my hands on it in time to do it this year, but maybe next year. Maybe, I’l...