2024 New Year's Eve Recap

(This is a poster image for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.) Happy New Year everyone 🥳, I hope you have a safe, responsible, and wonderful night tonight, and if you're reading this after New Year's Eve (which is most of you) then I hope you had a good time and weren't too irresponsible. All you drinkers 🥴 and gun and firework owners 🎆 know what I'm talking about. You might notice that I'm posting this early, about two days early, and the reason why is I'm not sure what we have planned for New Year's Eve, and I want to post this now in case I'm unable to post it on the actual day. I hope that's okay with all of you. What I said before still applies, I want you all to have a fun and safe New Year's Eve. I know a lot of people drink 🥂 and party, and then set off fireworks 🎆 or shoot your guns in the air, and I just want you all to be careful and not hurt yourself or others. Safe and responsible is the word for this holiday. No N...