Taiwan πΉπΌ's Confusing Legal Status

Note: This was originally written on Saturday August 26, 202 3. This is thi rd entry in my series on China π¨π³ and East Asia . The last one that I posted was abou t China π¨π³'s struggling economy . You can click here to read it. It isn't required reading to understand this post, but it is an interesting topic because a big part of China π¨π³'s power, influence, and status in the world comes from its economy. And if it's economy is struggling, then it loses some of that prestige, it loses a degree of its power and influence throughout the world. Their economy is still struggling, and still hasn't made the full recovery that some people have predicted that it would. Some people have taken this to mean that China π¨π³ has "peaked," while others haven't. I recently saw a video put out by CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), a think tank that specializes in geopolitics and tries to influence American policy πΊπΈ on foreign policy. T...