My Thoughts on "Knives Out 🗡️"


I originally wrote this on Friday January 6, 2023, and I originally posted it to DeviantART on Saturday January 7, 2023. I decided to post this because I had watched the YouTuber, Ashleigh Burton's reaction video to this movie, and I started thinking about Knives Out 🗡️ and Glass Onion 🧅 again. So, I decided to post my "My Thoughts on" reviews of them on here for you all to read. Now, of course, I didn't post them as journals on DeviantART. I actually posted them as Status Updates. So, neither of them had the official "My Thoughts on" moniker. But now, they do, and now you get to read what I had to say about these two modern and subversive whodunits from Rian Johnson, the director that every right-wing grifter likes to shit on because he made Star Wars: The Last Jedi, an easy target for their vitriol. 

I actually talk about the Rian Johnson hate in this review because it relevant to the conversation. Because while some of these guys did continue hating Rian Johnson even after Knives Out 🗡️, others actually liked Knives Out 🗡️ and praised it despite their real or fake hatred for The Last Jedi. I guess the sentiment from these guys would be that Rian Johnson should stay away from Star Wars and any other franchise movie, and just make his own original stuff. And I'm sure Rian Johnson would probably agree with those people because he's made it clear that he has no intention of making anymore Star Wars movies, or anymore big budget studio movies. Especially after his planned Star Wars trilogy fell through due to the fan backlash against The Last Jedi.

Instead, he wants to make these smaller mid budget movies, where he has full creative freedom and control, and doesn't have to deal with any pressure from a studio or from an established fanbase. And in doing so, he managed to craft a franchise of his own, that people actually enjoy, and always excited when a new installment comes out. I'm not sure when the third Knives Out 🗡️ movie is coming out, or what the title will be. 

But, I definitely know it's coming because Rian Johnson signed a two picture deal with Netflix to release the two sequels he had planned for Knives Out 🗡️. The first of those two sequels was Glass Onion 🧅, and that was a huge hit. So, even though a third movie was coming out any way, there's even more incentive now to make one because Netflix knows that these movies are popular, and profitable 🤑. Anyway, with that out of the way, enjoy the review. The review for Glass Onion 🧅 will be coming out soon after I post this one. 

(This is a poster image for Knives Out 🗡️.)

I just watched Knives Out 🗡️, and I thought it was really good. Now, I put off on seeing it for the longest time because I was still very much in the Rian Johnson hate environment. A certain part of the Internet turned on Rian Johnson because of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi angered a lot of Star Wars fanboys, and they were insulting Rian Johnson left and right, calling him one of the worst directors of all time.

They called him "Ruin Johnson," that one was a classic. They made fun of his round head, and made fun of his laugh. And I bought into all that stuff, I believed what people said about Rian Johnson and The Last Jedi, and I didn't bother to give any of his movies afterwards a chance. To be fair, I did watch Looper, and I didn't really like it, so I didn't have a lot of confidence in Rian Johnson, even putting aside The Last Jedi. But, I have since abandoned those more toxic sides of the Star Wars fandom, that more toxic side of YouTube and the Internet as a whole.

So, I became more open to seeing a movie by Rian Johnson, specifically this movie since it got so much praise when it came out, even from some people who hated The Last Jedi. Though were still some die hard Last Jedi and Rian Johnson haters that refused to give this movie a chance. And even if they did see it, they hated it, not so much because it was bad, but because it was directed by Rian Johnson, "Mr. Ruin" himself 🙄. If you couldn't tell, I find Rian Johnson haters to be completely ridiculous.

But, I really enjoyed this movie, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I was going to. I tried to avoid spoilers as much I could, but I did know a little bit about the plot and I knew a little about the twist: the answer to the question, who dun it? But, this movie still managed to surprise me, and catch me off guard, even though I did know the answer to the mystery going in. If a murder mystery movie can do that, then it succeeded in my mind, and this movie definitely succeeded at that to me. I'm definitely going to watch Glass Onion 🧅 after this.


Here's the link to "My Thoughts on Glass Onion 🧅":



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