They Made a "Casagrandes" Movie πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡²πŸ‡½


(This is the logo for The Casagrandes, the spin-off series to the highly successful and popular Nickelodeon animated series, The Loud House.)
Alright, I learned some really strange news. I mean, it's probably not news anymore, but it's news to me because I didn't hear about this until now. Apparently, the failed Loud House spin-off series, The Casagrandes, is getting a movie. It's coming out next year in 2024, and it's going to be a Netflix exclusive just like The Loud House Movie was. It's not coming out in theaters, or on Paramount+, it's coming out on Netflix for some reason.

Does Netflix have some kind of special deal to release every new animated movie that's in the Loud House franchise, while Paramount+ only gets to release the live action movies that no one likes? If that's the case, then that's a bad deal! These movies should be out in theaters. But, if they have to be straight-to-streaming, at least, put it on Paramount+, you know, the streaming service that Paramount created to put all of their properties, including Nickelodeon ones? But, besides the baffling release venue, the idea of this movie puzzles me. Like, why are they making a Casagrandes movie? That show was canceled after three seasons. THREE SEASONS!

Why would Nickelodeon or Paramount invest in making a movie based on a show that they themselves canceled, and is largely considered a failure and a disappointment. Most Loud House fans from what I understand didn't even like The Casagrandes. They largely dismissed it as an inferior series that lacked any of the charm, wit, and heart as The Loud House, and they thought it lacked originality since it was basically just The Loud House, but with a Mexican-American family πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡²πŸ‡½. 
(This is the logo for The Cleveland Show, the short-lived spin-off series to the highly successful and popular adult animated sitcom series, Family Guy. It's not only considered to be inferior to Family Guy in almost every way, but is also considered one of the worst spin-off shows of all time. Right up there with shit like Planet Sheen or The Patrick Star Show.)

A lot of these same fans have also compared that series to The Cleveland Show, the failed and much maligned Family Guy spin-off series focused on Cleveland Brown and his family that failed to resonate with fans of Family Guy or with the general audience. And yeah, that's a pretty apt comparison. I mean, I haven't seen The Cleveland Show, but I can imagine that it probably isn't that good. I mean, The Casagrandes is probably a better show than The Cleveland Show, and The Casagrandes is mediocre as hell. But, you get the idea. It would be like if they made a Family Guy movie, and instead of making a sequel to it, they made a Cleveland Show movie afterwards. That's what this is like. 

Now, the idea of doing a spin-off series focused on Ronnie Anne and her older brother, Bobby, who's also Lori's boyfriend, isn't an inherently bad idea. They could have made an awesome series focused on those two characters, and their mom. But, they just executed it poorly by trying to force it into being a Loud House clone with Latinos. The Casagrandes themselves, Ronnie Anne's extended family are just not good characters. They're all either lame, annoying, or just bland and boring. They really drag that whole series down, and it's literally named after them. It should have just been Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their mother, that's it. 

Like, imagine if instead of it being The Casagrandes, it was The Santiagos, or just Ronnie Anne and Bobby or something like that. It could've been a great opportunity to do something that was truly different from The Loud House, with a different family unit and family dynamic. Instead, we got this: a pale imitation of The Loud House, but for Latinos. I don't even think The Casagrandes even really succeeded in capturing the Latino audience, the very demographic they were trying to appeal to with this. Perhaps, they knew that this was just an attempt to pander to them.
(This is the logo for The Loud House, the highly successful and popular animated series on Nickelodeon about an 11 year old boy ♂︎ living in a household full of 10 sisters. This show has distinction of being one of the few shows on Nickelodeon since 1999 to have a break out success and stand toe-to-toe with SpongeBob SquarePants 🧽, Nickelodeon's true golden boy. They finally had a hit show that wasn't SpongeBob 🧽 related, and people like it for that simple reason. Of course, the show is good in its own right, but the fact it isn't SpongeBob 🧽 helped it stand out and helped it succeed where other Nickelodeon shows couldn't.)

So, yeah, I'm baffled that they've made a movie out of The Casagrandes, a failed spin-off show that most people have probably forgotten about if they aren't hardcore Loud House fans, and I'm baffled that they're releasing it on Netflix, when Paramount has their own perfectly good streaming service ready to go with movies and shows based on their animated properties. Personally, I think this is a huge waste. I would've rather them make a second animated Loud House movie, and release it in theaters. 

They could even title it, The Second Loud House Movie, straight to point with no bullshit subtitle. If they do ever actually make another Loud House movie that's animated and not live action, they should call it that, and then if they make a third one, they could title it, The Third Loud House Movie. This could be a trilogy with its own naming convention. But, maybe this Casagrandes movie will be good. Probably not, considering how The Loud House Movie was received and considering how The Casagrandes series itself was received, but who knows? Let me know how it is when it comes out if you're a Loud House fan and you're reading this. I didn't even plan for this to be the first Loud House related post on here. I was originally going to write about my ideas for a Loud House video game, and I was going to have that be my first Loud House related post. But here we are, it wasn't even about The Loud House itself. It was about a movie to its inferior spin-off.


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