My Thoughts on "Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰"



This was originally written on December 6, 2022, and was posted on DeviantART the next day on December 7, 2022, the day will live in infamy, besides September 11 of course. This was first of these Mortal Kombat Legends movies that I've seen. But, they've already been making them for a while. The first one of these that they put out was Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯, which was basically a retelling of the first Mortal Kombat tournament (the first one held in Earthrealm that is), but from Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯'s perspective because Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ is pretty much the most popular character of the entire franchise. He's the face of the entire franchise, and he's the co-creator, Ed Boon's favorite. He admitted it in interviews when asked what his favorite Mortal Kombat character was. No, wonder they pretty much put him on all covers, and put him center stage in the marketing, and why he's in pretty much every game, except for Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. He's even in every movie that's been made, live action and animated. 

Warner Bros. just thought to themselves, "Well, we've been making these DC animated movies and releasing them direct-to-DVD πŸ“€ and Blu-Ray πŸ’Ώ, let's do the same for Mortal Kombat. We own the property, and they've crossed over with DC on multiple occasions." While most people seemed to like Scorpion's Revenge πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯, a lot of them were mixed on the movies they made after, such as Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, which centered more on Liu Kang, the actual main hero of the franchise, and had Shinnok as the main bad guy. But, it seems like they bounced back with this movie because I noticed that a lot of people like Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰ and like it a lot more than Battle of the Realms

I liked it. I talk about it in the review, but it does take a while to really get going, there isn't that much action, and I dislike some of the creative choices they made, but for the most part, I enjoyed the movie. I was skeptical of it before it came out. When I saw the trailer, I was concerned about those aforementioned creative decisions that I had issues with, and I was worried that the movie would be bad. So, I'm glad that I was pleasantly surprised and it was better than I expected. 

I got the fourth film, Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ as a belated Christmas gift πŸŽ„πŸŽ, but I haven't actually seen it yet. But, I do plan on watching it, and I do plan on giving it a shot, even if I'm also worried about that movie's quality also. Johnny Cage is a pretty hard sell as a protagonist, he's a pretty tough character to get right, and he can pretty obnoxious and irritating if he's written the wrong way. And from what I've seen from the trailer, it seems like they're leaning more into the obnoxious side of Cage's personality. 

Like, it just seems like they're trying to do a self-aware comedy with Cage at the center. Like, it seems like they're trying to make a Deadpool movie, but with Johnny Cage as the Deadpool-type character. But, at least, we'll get to see Ashrah again, even she's all 80s out in that movie. That's another thing too, the movie takes place in the 80s. Why the hell does it take place in the 80s? 

I mean, with Bumblebee 🐝, it made sense why it was set in the 80s, because Transformers is an 80s franchise. That's the decade that it's the most associated with. Same with Stranger Things, which was really what started the whole 80s nostalgia thing in the 2010s. That show is an 80s homage, specifically a homage to 80s sci-fi, 80s horror, and even sort of 80s comedy what with all the Ghostbusters πŸ‘»πŸš« references, so it ought to be set in the 80s. 

But, Mortal Kombat? No. Mortal Kombat is a 90s franchise. The very first game came out in 1992. Everything about the franchise just reeks 90s, it practically drips 90s. So, if there's any decade that's the most associated with Mortal Kombat, it's the 90s. Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ should've been set in the 90s instead of the 80s. Johnny Cage is a more believable 90s action star than 80s action star anyway. Like, Cody from PointlessHub, I'm also just sick of the 80s, and I'm sick of it being everything, and everyone fawning over it and saying that it's the best decade. It wasn't. The 80s truly are the most overrated decade. 

Also, Shinnok's the main villain again in Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰, why? Why Shinnok is the bad guy again in that movie? Why is he the only villain besides Kano, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung that these movies are allowed to have? And how does this fit in with Battle of the Realms? If Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ is indeed a prequel and not just a stand alone movie, and Cage defeated him already, then how could he have come back in Battle of the Realms? How are we supposed to take him seriously as a threat if he's able to be beaten by Johnny Cage? It's the same issue with Mortal Kombat X, where they had Shinnok be beaten by both Johnny Cage at the beginning and then later at the end by his daughter, Cassie Cage. Pretty much taking all the threat level that character may have had. 

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ is one of Gilbert Gottfried's final roles. It might actually be his final role before he died. Imagine that. An animated Mortal Kombat movie released straight-to-DVD and Blu-Ray πŸ“€πŸ’Ώ ends up being your final role before your passing. But then again, Gilbert Gottfried did guest star in an Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) video one time, so being in Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ isn't all that embarassing for the guy. It would've been even worse if that AVGN video was the last thing he ever did before he died. 

But, we'll see. I'll see for myself whether Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰ is a good movie or a bad movie or just an okay movie. I doubt that it will be as Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰ though, and Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰ isn't perfect either. It's quite flawed actually. At least, I didn't spend any money πŸ’΅ on it (Cage Match πŸ₯ŠπŸ‰, not Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰, I spent money πŸ’΅ on that). My aunt bought it for me, and gave it to me as Christmas gift πŸŽ„πŸŽ. So, it's no financial loss for me if it turns out it isn't good. 

If you couldn't tell by reading this, I'm a Mortal Kombat fan. I've been for quite a long time. I got into thanks to my cousin (or brother as we call him around these parts), who showed me Mortal Kombat: Deception on his GameCube. I know not everyone likes Deception, but I still have fawn memories of it, I still have a soft spot for it, and I think has a lot of interesting ideas and awesome new (at the time) characters that went underappreciated at the time. I'm glad that Deception and the entire 3D era as a whole is getting more appreciation now in recent years than they did when they originally came out in the 2000s. 

Now, I was already aware of Mortal Kombat before I ever played Deception. I had seen the second live action Mortal Kombat movie from 1997, the infamously so bad it's good, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, because my sisters watched it a lot. They were into this stuff before I was, and that includes anime. I think my sisters might be one of the few people on the planet who genuinely like Annihilation in an unironic way. Same with Batman & Robin, another movie that the Internet likes to hate on and joke about a lot. 

Even I sort of liked Annihilation because when I saw the first Mortal Kombat movie from 1995, the one that people actually like and say is the best despite its cheese, I didn't like it. It was nothing like Annihilation, which goes to show just how unlike the first movie Annihilation truly was, despite being a sequel and despite it having two of the original cast in it, Robin Shou as Liu Kang and Talisa Soto as Kitana. Keep in mind, I was a kid when I watched those movies, so I don't necessarily have the same opinions of them now that I did back then. I haven't watched them since then.

But, once I played Deception with my cousin, that's when I got into Mortal Kombat. I played Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, and I didn't like it as much Deception, though I've grown to appreciate it in recent years, and I played Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the last game in the 3D era, unless you count Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. I didn't get the chance to play Mortal Kombat (2011) or Mortal Kombat 9 as fans refer to it as, but I did watch a lot of reviews of it, and I did watch the cutscenes. And then years later, I played Mortal Kombat X, which was able to play because I had a PS4, loved it. And even though I'm not crazy about the direction the series has been going in since X, especially the latest game, Mortal Kombat 1 which rebooted the series yet again and established a third timeline, I'm still a fan of Mortal Kombat, and I still like the older stuff; mostly the 3D games from the 2000s. 

And although the 2021 live action reboot movie wasn't all that great, I'm still interested in watching the sequel that's coming out sometime in the next couple of years. I'm wondering if they'll correct any of the mistakes the 2021 movie made, and if it will be better overall. But, I am skeptic of the casting of Karl Urban as Johnny Cage. I don't really think he fits the character, or at least, the more zanny and wisecracking version of the character that the post-Armageddon Reboot timeline games went with. But, we shouldn't count him out because he is a good actor, a really good actor actually, and I'm sure he'll bring his own qualities, his own flare to the character. Like, he'll truly make it his own. Even if the movie ends up sucking, he won't suck in it, I'm fairly confident about that. With all that out of the way, let's get on with the review of Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰.

(This is the cover art or poster for Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰, the third Mortal Kombat Legends movie put out by Warner Bros. Animation.)

Well, I just watched the latest Mortal Kombat animated movie, Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰. It took me awhile to get to it, but I finally watched this thing. I don't think I've really written my first impressions about the movie when the trailer was released, except for that journal on the 30th anniversary of Mortal Kombat. But, I didn't really write my full thoughts on that in that journal, but I did write my thoughts when I did an edit of the trailer.

I basically took the trailer and edited to be backwards, and then put the regular forward version in front, so it was that forward/reversing trick you often see in YouTube Poops, only it's with the whole video instead of just one isolated clip. I call it forward/inverted, in reference to the Christopher Nolan movie, TENET. I even used the whole red and blue thing from that movie to represent when something's forward or when something's in reverse (or inverted as they say in that movie). Like, at the beginning of the forward section, I have a text that says "forward" and it's in red, and at the beginning of the reversed section, I have a text that says "inverted" and it's in blue, just like the movie. Red represents forwards and blue represents backwards.

I've done all sorts of these forward/inverted edits with all sorts of videos, and I did one for the trailer for Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰. I haven't uploaded any of them to YouTube in case you're wondering, and I just made them for my own amusement (because I was bored), and I probably won't upload any of them because a lot of are on copyrighted material, and it would get my YouTube channel flagged, not that I plan to keep that channel forever; I plan to create a completely new channel and move to that one, and either delete the one I'm currently using or just keep it around and leave it dormant.

Anyway, the point I am making is that when I did this forward/inverted edit of the Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰, I wrote a description for it as I do with all of my edits, and I basically wrote my thoughts on the trailer in that description. The description was really long and detailed, like it was literally longer than the video itself. That's how in-depth I got with explaining my opinions on the trailer. And if what I wrote in the journal about the 30th anniversary was any indication, I was very skeptical of the movie, and some of the creative choices that were being made.

I didn't like how they inserted the Black Dragon and made them the main villains when it's supposed to be a Kenshi origin story, showing how he got blinded and how he got his sword. I also didn't like the designs for any of the Black Dragon characters, like they all looked like Mad Max rejects. I actually said that in the description I wrote for that forward/inverted edit I did of the trailer. They just didn't fit as villains for a Kenshi movie, especially since Kenshi never had that much of a rivalry or connection to the Black Dragon in the games. Kano and the Black Dragon were always enemies of Sonya Blade and Jax, like there was a rivalry there, and there was a deep hatred between them. Like, there's no character that Sonya hates more than Kano.

Kenshi's beef has always mostly been with Shang Tsung is the who blinded him in the first place, and is the one who stole his ancestor's soul. That's why he appears in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (his debut game), besides being apart of Sonya and Jax's new agency, the Outerworld Investigation Agency (OIA), he was there to kill Shang Tsung for blinding him and for consuming his ancestors's souls. So, it was weird to me to have Kenshi face off against the Black Dragon in his origin movie, when he has little history with them in the games, and it make more sense to have him face off against Shang Tsung, the man who is his greatest enemy. And Shang Tsung was seemingly being sidelined by Kano and the Black Dragon.

I also didn't like how they seemingly shoehorned in Sub-Zero ❄️ into a movie that again is supposed to be about Kenshi and his origin story. I've started to get sick and tired of seeing Sub-Zero ❄️ and/or Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ in every single piece of Mortal Kombat media. I know that they're the two most iconic characters in the entire franchise, but still, it gets old after awhile and the characters lose their magic, they lose their appeal. It's like they shove them down your throat because they aren't confident that the other characters can stand on their own. Like, just do a Mortal Kombat story that doesn't include Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ or Sub-Zero ❄️, that lets another character have the spotlight without having to share with it the ice ninja ❄️πŸ₯· or the hellspawn ninja πŸ”₯πŸ₯·. It's not impossible to do.

I also was very wary about them changing Kenshi's backstory for this movie. Like it seemed like they were straying away from the original timeline, and were just sticking to stuff from the reboot timeline. There are two timelines in the Mortal Kombat game series, the original timeline that starts with the very first Mortal Kombat game from 1992 all the way to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, and the reboot timeline that starts with the Mortal Kombat reboot game from 2011 that was simply titled Mortal Kombat (fans refer to it as Mortal Kombat 9) all the way to Mortal Kombat 11, which is the most recent game in the series. And I have very mixed feelings about the reboot timelines, which is why I wasn't too happy about them leaning so heavily into it for this movie and the other animated movies put out by Warner Bros..

But, it turns out that I didn't really have that much to worry about with this movie because it was actually pretty good. I didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. I also know what the reason of the Internet and the Mortal Kombat fan community think of this movie, and frankly, I don't care. A lot of my suspicions were proven to be correct, but they didn't really bother me as much when I was actually watching the movie.

I still don't really like the new designs of the Black Dragon, especially not Kano's, and I still think they are look way too Mad Max-ish, but when I started watching the movie, I stopped caring and I got used to them. They work in this movie, I did like some of the Black Dragon characters. I liked Kabal, I thought he was handled pretty well. I liked his voice when he had the mask on, I thought it was pretty cool. I really like Tremor, like he was probably my favorite of the Black Dragon in this movie even if he isn't my favorite Mortal Kombat character overall; that honor goes to Baraka.

I liked what they did with his design, they made him bigger, and they made him more like magma, instead of just like rock or mud, so he shoots magma from his hands, can turn the ground beneath him into lava, and he looks like big lava man, a big hulking lava man. He also has a deeper, more monstrous voice to fit with his design, which is mostly the same as it is in Mortal Kombat X, but they tweaked it and enhanced it a bit. He definitely has a more menacing presence in this movie, and he is the muscle of the Black Dragon clan πŸ’ͺ.

Kira and Kobra were okay too, even if they don't really do a whole lot, other than being henchmen who just spout clichΓ©d villain dialogue. They were a bit of a letdown, I'll be honest. One detail that I liked is that they had them stick very closely with Kabal, even in this iteration that's very different from the original games that they appeared in. They were Kabal's two recruits in Mortal Kombat: Deception, the ones who he personally took under his wing and trained to be apart of his new Black Dragon separate from Kano, who was missing and presumed dead after the events of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

So, it was cool that they still had them stick close to each other, and they're best buds, that was a nice detail from the games that they didn't have to keep, but they did and it's all the better for it. It shows that the people who made this game do know a thing or two about the lore of Mortal Kombat and do understand it and respect it. I'm not that big of a fan of Kano. He was never really one of my favorite villains in Mortal Kombat, and frankly I just find him annoying, especially in the 2021 live action movie, my God, he just wouldn't shut up 🀐 😑!

He's still pretty annoying here, but it works with this movie. Like, it works with him being insufferable because he's this arrogant, thuggish, scummy old man who's way too drunk on power, like he thinks he's the shit, he's the best, and no body can beat him because way more machine at this point than he is human, like he's even more of a cyborg than he was before. In the words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he's more machine than man, twisted and evil. They really do a good job at making you hate Kano, and it is so satisfying when he finally dies at the end 🩸😈.

Shang Tsung is of course in this movie, you can't have a Kenshi origin movie without him since he's the one responsible for Kenshi's misfortunes. But, my suspicions about him being sidelined were unfortunately correct as he is mostly pushed aside in favor of Kano and the Black Dragon. He isn't in the movie for very long, like he's only in the first half of the movie and that's it. Like, as soon as he tricks Kenshi into releasing his ancestors's souls and absorbs them and turns into his younger self, he gets killed by Kano, and one brutal way too. Like, someone working on this movie must've had a special hatred for Shang Tsung or something because I've never seen him take a beat down as bad as the one he gets from Kano in this movie.

I almost felt sorry for Shang Tsung in that moment, even he's a villain and complete scumbag too. Kobra dies in that same scene too. So, he's out of the movie after that, and we're stuck with the Australian cyborg mercenary πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί, the Immortan Joe or Toe Cutter wannabe, as our main villain; yes, I know Mad Max is Australian πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί, it originated from Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί, but come on, Kano doesn't need to look or act like a Mad Max character just because he is Australian πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί.

I'm really not sure how I feel about Kano killing Shang Tsung. Like I said, I don't really like Kano and I find him pretty annoying in most cases. But, at the same time, Shang Tsung's a villain too. He's one of the slimiest, most manipulative and treacherous characters in the entire franchise. Even if you're closely allied with him or if he's working for you, he'll still probably betray you in the end. I mean, he's the one that blinded Kenshi and stole his ancestors's souls, both in this movie and in the games, and in the games, he's the one who kills Liu Kang; in the original timeline that is.

So, you can't say that he didn't have it coming to him, but still. The fact that he was killed by Kano of all characters in this movie kind of makes me feel bad. Like, Kenshi didn't even get to face him in the climax, he's already dead by the time Kenshi completes his training and is ready for revenge. Instead, he faces off against Tremor because Tremor's the one who beats him up real bad to the point where he's vulnerable to Shang Tsung's manipulation.

Other characters that appear in this movie on the Black Dragon side like Erron Black, Ferra/Torr, No Face, and even Drahmin don't really get that much to do and don't have a lot of screen time. They're just relegated to cameo roles, nothing more. Erron Black, the cowboy gunslinger 🀠 himself, doesn't have a single line of dialogue in this movie, even though he's a complete chatterbox in Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat 11. It was nice to see Drahmin again (in anything) though, even he's only in it for a little bit and he gets killed right away.

Enough about the villains, what about our heroes? Well, this is indeed a Kenshi origin story, and they did indeed change it, but not really in the way that I thought. They changed it, not necessarily to be more in line with the reboot timeline, though it is very close to the reboot timeline and barrows a lot of elements from it, but to fit within this little continuity that the animated movies have built up.

I didn't know that the animated movies were even connected to each other at all. I thought they were all self-contained and stand alone, and didn't at all lead into the next one. I guess they're more like the DC animated movies in that way where they do have a continuity through line extends through all the movies. And I guess, this is somewhat of a direct sequel to Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, the Mortal Kombat animated movie before this one, and it takes place years later when all the classic Mortal Kombat characters that we're all familiar with are all either old or dead, and Kenshi's a youngster.

He's one of the new blood 🩸 in this movie's timeline. That is in stark contrast to the games where he was the same age or close to the same age as the other Mortal Kombat characters and aged along with them. I mean, for God's sake, he has a son in the Reboot timeline and has grey hair and a beard. But here, he's pretty much the same age as his son was in Mortal Kombat X. He's also very cocky and arrogant at first when he still has his eyes πŸ‘€. 

He's very full of himself, very prideful, convinced that he can take on the world with one hand tied behind his back without breaking so much as a sweat πŸ˜“. As far as I know, he wasn't really like that in the games, even before he lost his eyes, but it works for this movie, it gives him a nice starting off point and a nice character arc that extends through this whole movie. Once he loses his eyes πŸ‘€, he becomes a complete wreck. He loses all the pride and bravado he once had, and he loses all hope and is ready to just give up, and he has to be built back up by a strong mentor figure.

Which brings me to the biggest departure this movie makes from the lore in the games, and the thing that partially made me initially skeptical of this movie. Sub-Zero ❄️ is the one who mentors Kenshi in this movie and teaches him how to fight without his eyes πŸ‘€. He's that bearded old guy in the trailer who I wasn't sure who he was. When we first see Sub-Zero ❄️, Kuai Liang, he's an old man; it's pretty much Old Man Kuai Liang, just like Old Man Logan. He's living by himself in this farm out in the middle of nowhere, growing crops πŸŒ½πŸŽπŸ‘ and raising livestock πŸ“, and then selling his farmed goods at a nearby town (which eventually gets taken over by the Black Dragon), and he's completely given up his warrior life.

As we learn later on in the movie, he had a traumatic experience with his powers, where he lost control over them, and ended up wiping out an entire city, and killing his whole clan. That left him emotionally scarred and left him feeling guilty for killing so many people, so many innocent people who didn't deserve to die and who he was trying to save. So, he's given all that up, he no longer fights, and he just wants to live alone in peace. That's why he does everything he can to avoid conflict, even when fighting would be the best solution.

So, when he decides to be generous and help Kenshi out when he's in need, when he's injured and can't walk or move forward, and decides to nurse him back to health and teach him some fighting skills that compensate for his handicap, he changes along with him. He reawakens the warrior spirit within, and embraces who he truly is, which is Sub-Zero ❄️, a cryomancer and the leader of the Lin-Kuei.

So, he ends up joining the fight at the end to stop Kano and the Black Dragon and end their domination over the Wastelands. That's the other thing too, because this movie takes place after Battle of the Realms, and because of what Kano did (I'll get to that in a moment), it's set in a post-apocalyptic world. This is not Outworld as I initially thought from watching the trailer, it is actually a post-apocalyptic Earth 🌎 (Earthrealm to be exact), where the villains won and the heroes lost, or I guess one where one villain won and all the heroes and other villains lost.

That villain of course is Kano, he's the one responsible for this post-apocalyptic Earth 🌎. He discovered Kronika's Hourglass ⏳, and used it to manipulate time to destroy the world and turn it into a post-apocalyptic hellscape that he could then rule over with his clan, the Black Dragon; while also enhancing his cybernetics, replacing more of his body with machinery, and even removing his own soul so that he would be really hard to kill.

He also made all the other villains subservient to him, especially Shang Tsung, who he seems to loath especially. In fact, he removed his soul specifically so that he would be immune to Shang Tsung's soul transplantation magic. He wouldn't have a soul for him to consume. So, yeah, they brought time travel in this movie, and made it an integral part of the plot. I really don't like time travel all that much. It just ruins plots, and makes everything needlessly confusing. As a writer, I try my best to avoid time travel whenever possible.

They also brought Kronika into the movies, which means she and other Titans and associated characters existed with the animated movie canon. I was never really a fan of the Titans ever since they first introduced in Mortal Kombat 11, and I was never really a fan of Kronika as a villain. Which is a shame because I think there is a lot of potential for a great female villain ♀︎ in Mortal Kombat, and Kronika just wasn't it. I fear Kronika may have turned a lot of fans off to the idea of female villains ♀︎, and may have even drove some of them down a sexist path towards anti-feminism and other anti-SJW culture war politics, because of how poorly executed she was. We don't see her in this movie necessarily, we just see her skull, so she's not alive and kicking by any means, so I'm a little bit more fine with it.

I do like what they did with the Revenants in this movie. They kind of made them more like traditional zombies 🧟‍♂️ rather than mind-controlled corpses fighting for Quan-Chi like they were in Mortal Kombat X. It's a different take, but it works. And Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ it turns out is in this movie too. They didn't show him at all in the trailer, so this was a complete surprise for me. I mean, it is pretty easy to groan 😩 when he shows up, like "Come on, Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ and Sub-Zero ❄️ AGAIN?" I am pretty tired of seeing them all the time, but I got to be honest with you, they were pretty badass in this movie. Like, it was really cool seeing them on screen and on screen together in the final climax, which brings me to the main reason that I like this movie: the action.

The action in this movie is amazing, way better than I was expecting. That last act where Kenshi, Sub-Zero ❄️, and Scorpion πŸ¦‚πŸ”₯ all go to fight Kano and the Black Dragon was spectacular, one of the best fight sequences I've seen this year, in 2022. And the gore 🩸, the gore 🩸 is well done πŸ‘ in this movie. There are some awesomely gory deaths 🩸 in this movie, especially towards the end in the climax. The blood and gore 🩸 in this movie is honestly way better than any of the blood and gore 🩸 in the 2021 movie.

It was nice to see a proper R rated animated movie for once that doesn't rely solely on sex jokes, or nudity (though nudity is pretty nice, don't get me around πŸ˜…), or gross out humor, or drug references, or swearing to be R rated (or PG-13 rated) and isn't strictly a comedy. Most adult animated movies are comedies (just like how most kid's animated movies are mostly comedies), but this one isn't. This is an action movie through and through, and it makes no apologies for it.

So, if this sounds good to you, then by all means, go check out. It's not a long movie, it's pretty short, like it's only 82 minutes long, which is 1 hour and 22 minutes. Most animated movies are not that long, like they don't usually exceed an hour or an hour and a half in length, even ones made for adults. It's pretty rare to see an animated movie that's over 2 hours long or 2 and a half hours long, and it even rarer to see an animated movie that's 3 hours long or 3 and a half hours long. I would recommend Mortal Kombat fans go out and buy it and watch it, especially those that were skeptical after watching the trailer like I was. Trust me, it's way better than you're probably expecting.


(This is the trailer for Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind ❄️πŸ‰.)

(This is Kenshi's ending in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.)


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