How to Make an Awesome "Loud House" Video Game


(This is the logo for The Loud House.)

Finally, I get to finally write about what I've been itching to write about for almost a month now, ever since I started this blog, how to create an awesome Loud House video game. I decided to write this and post this after I reposted my Captain Toad review so that I could have more video game related content (sorry, Patrick Willems for using that word, but there was no substitute) on the blog. I also wanted to have more Loud House related content on the blog, since I am quite short of that.

The only Loud House related thing that I've written and posted on here is that status post I wrote about the upcoming Casagrandes movie that's coming out on Netflix. I still can't believe that's an actual thing. I never knew Nickelodeon would be the one to reward failure, or perceived failure. But, considering how they reward success, even just critical success, then I guess it makes some sort of sense in a stupid and messed up kind of way.

Now, The Loud House has had some games here and there, but they are mostly mobile games and computer games like those you would find on the Nickelodeon website. Do they still do those? And a few Loud House characters have appeared in the two main Nickelodeon crossover franchises put out by the publisher, GameMill, Nickelodeon Kart Racers and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. Both of which are sort of rip-offs of Nintendo games. Nickelodeon Kart Racers is a Mario Kart clone and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a Super Smash Bros. clone.
The only thing makes them stand out amongst the myriad of other Nintendo copycats is the fact that they feature exclusively Nickelodeon characters. Some of whom have not been seen in years, or have never interacted with each other on screen. This includes the Loud House characters.The only three characters that have appeared in those franchises as playable characters are Lincoln, Clyde, and Lucy. Why Lucy, and not any of the other Loud sisters? Because she's the most popular obviously. People love their goth girls ♀︎.

But, The Loud House has never had a true, honest to God console game of its own. I'm talking SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿค–, or SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿ”,  or SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿ”ฎ more recently, like those kind of games. The Loud House has never had its own Battle for Bikini Bottom or even The Cosmic Shake. And that's a shame because there's a lot of potential for a Loud House of that kind, of that scale and scope.

So, why hasn't there been one yet? I really don't know. Maybe it was because licensed games of that type were kind of out of fashion when The Loud House first came on to the scene back in 2016. I mean, the then recent SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ movie, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿ’ฆ didn't really have a tie-in game for consoles, instead it had a mobile game. A far cry from the tie-in console game that the first SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ movie, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ๐Ÿงฝ received when it came out back in 2004. This year is the 20th anniversary of that movie BTW, since it's 2024.

Even if The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Video Game ๐Ÿงฝ was just a reskin or a repeat of what the developer, Heavy Iron Studios had already done on the original Battle for Bikini Bottom. Like, they reused many of the same assets from that game, including character models, and they stuck to the same gameplay as that game, and the enemy types in the Movie game are pretty much exactly the same as the enemy types in Battle for Bikini Bottom. They just reskinned them to look like characters from the movie. The reason for that of course the studio was rushed on the Movie game because they had to get out in time for the movie, and didn't have the time to work on it and polish it like they did on Battle for Bikini Bottom. Still a really fun game though, even I didn't finish it.

Anyway, back to The Loud House. Another reason that I can think of for why the show never received a proper tie-in game for consoles and/or PC is that it was still a new show and was still kind of unproven. When the show premiered back in 2016, no body really knew if it had any staying power or not. If it would last longer than any of its non-SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ contemporaries, and whether or not it was truly popular or just a fad or whatever. But, now that it does have 7 seasons and 253 episodes at the time of me writing this, we now know without a shred of doubt that this show has staying power. It is now a proven hit. So, making a video game on it is not as much of a risky investment as it was before when the show only had 3 seasons and only had 78 episodes, because each season has 26 episodes.

Or it could be that there was just no interest in neither side, either on the Nickelodeon side, or the Loud House crew side, or the game developer and game publisher side to make a dedicated Loud House game. Maybe, they just don't think the show is good enough to get its own console game. Instead, they rather just do mobile games, or license the characters to be in crossover games. Whatever the case, I think there should be a Loud House game, especially since license games are back in style again, and are better than ever.

So, here are my ideas on how to create an awesome Loud House video game. Keep in mind, I'm not expert in gaming. I'm not a gaming programmer, or an animator, or a developer in general. I'm not even a super hardcore gamer. I'm a casual gamer. I play whichever games catches my attention, and I play them just to have fun. I don't play games because it's my job or because it's my main hobby or interest.

To be fully transparent, I'm more of a movie and TV guy than a game guy. I'm more into games than I was before like 8 or 10 years ago, but I still lean more towards movies, TV, and streaming. So, I'm not saying any of this of as an expert, or as someone who makes games for a living. I'm just writing this as someone who likes playing games on occasion, and likes playing games based on movies and TV shows that I like, and these are just things that I would like to see if some game studio and game publisher decided to make a Loud House video game. But, speaking of movies, I do have somethings to say about the idea of making a sequel to The Loud House Movie, especially with the revelation that they made a Casagrandes movie and it's coming out this year. So, I make a separate post about that in the future. Nearer than you might think. With that out of the way, let's get on with it.

The big thing for me is that the entire Loud family has to be playable. Like, all of the Loud siblings, and maybe even the parents should be playable in any Loud House video game that gets made. Just playing as Lincoln the whole time won't cut it. The show is called The Loud House, not The Lincoln Loud Show. It's an ensemble piece, and each of the family is a main character in their own right. If you really want to do a Loud House game where Lincoln is the only playable character, then call it something like, The Loud House: Lincoln's Adventure. Same goes for if you make Loud House game where one of the Loud sisters is the sole playable character, one of only a couple playable characters, like Lucy, or Lisa, or Lana, or Lynn Jr. for example.

But, for this Loud House game that I'm proposing or pitching, I want the entire Loud family to be playable, not just Lincoln, or even just Lincoln and Clyde. Clyde can be playable too, but it should be apart of a larger cast of playable characters, not just be a single duo with him and Lincoln as the only two playable characters. I'm not sure if it should an optional thing where you get to choose which character you play as any given time, or if it's something that's out of the player's control, and you have to play as whichever character the game has you play as. Personally, I would go with the choice option, since it's more freeing, and gives the player more control over how they choose to play the game, and who they choose to play the game as. Fans would get the chance to play as their favorite character, and there's nothing better than that feeling.

What you could do is have sections of the game that can only be accessed if you play as a certain character, and you have to unlock each of the characters as you're playing it, so you can access those areas you couldn't reach or access with the character you were playing as before. That would give more incentive to keep playing, and go back to areas that you past, and actually play as the other characters, not just play as one character the whole time. But, and this is the key here, after you unlock a character, then you can play as that character anytime and anywhere.

Now, as for the gameplay itself. I was thinking of a sort of 3D platforming style with some combat thrown in, and maybe a driving section here and there for Lola, Lori, and Leni. I would want this Loud House game to be a platformer, just like the SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ games that dominated the 2000s like Revenge of the Flying Dutchman, the original Battle for Bikini Bottom, the Movie game, Creature from the Krusty Krab ๐Ÿ”, and the Truth or Square game, which was a tie-in game made to coincide with the release of the 10th anniversary special, the much maligned 10th anniversary special, Truth or Square. Or the more recent SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ games like the Rehydrated ๐Ÿ’ฆ version of Battle for Bikini Bottom or The Cosmic Shake ๐Ÿ”ฎ.

That's not say that you can't do other kinds of video games with The Loud House license, like I could easy see doing a party game with The Loud House akin to the Mario Party games or the SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ game, SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants ๐Ÿงฝ๐ŸŽฌ, which was heavily inspired by the Mario Party games. Especially since party games are kind of a family affair, they're multiplayer games that are meant to be played as a group experience. They can be played single player, but it's encouraged that you play party games with other people, usually your friends or your family. The Loud House is a show that's centered around a family, and it's about family, so it's perfect.

Oh, and no fixed cameras, no fixed cameras whatsoever. I hated the fixed camera levels/sections in NieR: Automata (I know that's not a platforming game, but still), Super Mario Odyssey, and Super Mario 3D World, and I would not want anything like that in this hypothetical Loud House game. I would a camera that the player can full control over and move around as they please.

As for the characters themselves and the gameplay and abilities each of them would have, I would want their gameplay styles and abilities to mirror their abilities and interests in the show. Like, Lincoln could use superhero-type abilities since he always like dressing up as a superhero, or use magic since they shown a few times through the show that he does have an interest in being a magician, an illusionist ๐Ÿช„.

Lucy would also magic too since she's always casting spells, and she has that spell book from her great grandma, Great Grandma Harriet, or use necromancy since she's really interested in death ๐Ÿ’€ (that's sort of related to the magic spell thing, but a little bit different), or use vampiric abilities since she wants to be a vampire ๐Ÿง›‍♀️, and they always show her with vampire fangs and hissing like a vampire ๐Ÿง›‍♀️. I mean, they mostly gave her vampiric abilities ๐Ÿง›‍♀️ in the Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl games, so even they know that she's mostly associated with vampires ๐Ÿง›‍♀️.

Lynn Jr. can use her various athletic and sports talents like her basketball ๐Ÿ€ abilities, or her baseball abilities ⚾️, or her football abilities ๐Ÿˆ, or her soccer abilities ⚽️, or her hockey abilities ๐Ÿ’ to defeat enemies, or solve puzzles. She can a brawler, using her fists ๐Ÿ‘Š and her feet to punch and kick enemies since she has been shown to be somewhat of a boxer or a wrestler, and have some martial arts abilities. She could potentially be one of the strongest characters in the entire game if done right. She could even be the most OP (overpowered character) if the developers aren't careful with the power balancing, then she'd the only character that anyone would want to play as.

Luna could use her music abilities ๐ŸŽต to fight enemies and solve puzzles. I'm thinking something along the lines of that guitar ability ๐ŸŽธ that SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ gains in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ๐Ÿงฝ game, where it's like a projectile, and it hones in on a target of your choice, and you have to press buttons or move the joystick to move the music sound waves so that it would actually reach its target. Or something like bubble wand ๐Ÿซง ability in Battle for Bikini Bottom (the original and Rehydrated ๐Ÿ’ฆ), which was the guitar ability ๐ŸŽธ in the Movie game was based on. Something like that would be perfect for Luna.

Lana could use her mechanic ๐Ÿ”ง and plumbing abilities ๐Ÿช  to fight enemies, solve puzzles, and platform since those are her two main abilities as shown in the show. She's a mechanic ๐Ÿ”ง, she's a grease monkey, and she likes working on cars ๐Ÿš—, and she's usually the one that handles repairs on the family van, Vanzilla. She's also a plumber ๐Ÿช , and is always the one that handles the plumbing in the house. She even fixes plumbing that's not in the house, like in that one episode where they all go to that fancy hotel, and Lynn Jr. messes up the pipes in the bathroom, and asks Lana for help. Keep in mind, Lana's still like 7 years old when she's doing all this. Lola's the same age as her since they're twins.

I was even thinking that she could even have the ability to turn into certain animals or have the ability to gain certain animal-like abilities, since she's a huge animal lover. 
She can understand and communicate with animals, and in the "A Dark and Story Night" episode, she's a frog girl ♀︎๐Ÿธ in the story that the Loud siblings were all telling to each other. So, maybe have parts where she turns into a frog girl ๐Ÿธ♀︎ or some other type of human/animal hybrid. Like, how in that game, Scaler ๐ŸฆŽ, where the player character turns into different kinds of lizard boys ๐ŸฆŽ♂︎ depending on the circumstance. Usually, he transformed to get past a certain obstacle or open a door or passage. 

Lola can use her toy car to drive around, and you can do driving sections with her. She can even use her car to fight enemies too, like use it to run over enemies or crush enemies using the tires ๐Ÿ›ž of her toy car. She can also use her brute strength as well because she's absurdly strong. She's able to beat up Lori, and pin her to the ground, despite her being two or three times her size, as she showed when they were giving that demonstration to Leni in the "Shop Girl ๐Ÿ›️♀︎" episode. She could use some of her pageant abilities like her rope twirl thing or whatever it's called.

Lisa could use her scientific abilities ๐Ÿงช to fight enemies and solve puzzles as well. I thinking that they could have this system where Lisa finds different items through the levels, and use them to build inventions since she's an inventor as well as being a scientist ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ”ฌ. Sort of like how you can pick up items throughout the levels and use them to invent things in the Jimmy Neutron games, Jet Fusion and Attack of the Twonkies. Which were both based on specials (or TV movies as they referred to them) for The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron series. Speaking of which, those Jimmy Neutron games are sort of what I was thinking of when I was thinking of what a Loud House game should be like; something along those lines as well. I was even thinking that Lisa could pilot a giant robot mech suit or something at some point the game, something that she can fight bosses with, or dispose of regular enemies with more ease. That would be something cool.

Lori, Leni, Luan, and Lily are the ones who are the hardest come up with gameplay styles for, because with the exception of Luan, none of them really clearly defined abilities, and if they do, then they don't really lend themselves to unique game abilities that would make playing as them in a video game worth it. Lori is the hardest one to figure out because she doesn't really any unique or weird traits that really set her apart from her siblings would make for great gameplay abilities. She's mostly just a regular teenage girl ♀︎, or I guess young adult now since she's in college at this point in the series.

The only thing that I can think for her is driving sections, where she drives Vanzilla or drives her own vehicle, and also some golf sections ⛳️, since Lori is a golfer ๐ŸŒ️‍♀️. That school she went to is a golfing school ⛳️. So, maybe you can some sections she has to use her golfing skills ⛳️, or even use her golf club ๐ŸŒ️‍♀️ as weapon to fight enemies with. I guess you could solve this issue by not having her be in the game, and if she is in the game, then don't have her be playable. But, that would take away from the whole idea of playing as the entire Loud family, or at least, all of the Loud siblings.

With Leni, she's a little bit more unique and stands out more than Lori. She's really into fashion, and knows a lot about it, and it's kind of implied throughout the show that she wants to be a fashion designer or have some kind of job in the fashion industry. She's also very ditsy and dense, and is usually seen by the other characters as dumb, even by her own family. None of her interests or her attributes really lend themselves to gameplay. Like, what kind of abilities could you give her that would incorporate her love of fashion?

Then there's Luan. She has pretty unique traits and attributes. She's a comedian, the funny one of the family ๐Ÿ˜†, even if she really isn't all that funny. Most of the jokes she tells are just puns that even her own family thinks are lame. That's kind of the weird thing about Luan's character. Sometimes it seems like the show wants to us to think she isn't all that funny, and the jokes she tells are supposed to be lame and cheesy, by having the characters groan and roll their eyes ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„ after she says one of her puns. While other times, it seems like the show does want us to think that she's funny, and she's the best comedian in town, and everyone who watches her stand-up routine loves her, even though she tells the same lame puns. So, which is it? Is she a bad comedian or a good one? The show kind of has it both ways, and it makes the character and how she's presented a bit confusing.

When it comes to gameplay, I'm not really sure what you could really do with Luan. The only thing I can think of is that you could use her a laugh ability to intimidate and even destroy enemies or you could have use her pranking abilities to do that, because she is a prankster as well. You can have her use some of her gags as weapons in the game. That's about all I can think of.

And then there's her puppet companion, Mr. Coconuts, how would you incorporate him? It's sort of the same issue with trying to incorporate any of Lisa's robot companions ๐Ÿฆพ, like Todd, or DareBot, or Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms. Like, what exactly could you have Mr. Coconuts do in gameplay that wouldn't just be him being a tutorial guide or something like that, telling you what to do or where to go? The only thing I can possibly think is that you could Mr. Coconuts to solve puzzles, or open doors, or enter places that Luan herself cannot access.

Speaking of which, Lily is another one that’s tough to crack. She has the least defined personality, interests, abilities, and attributes out of any of the Loud children because she's a baby. I mean, she is becoming more of a toddler now, especially since she's in preschool now, and she's starting to develop more of a personality now, but it's still not that clearly defined. The writers are clearly still trying to figure out what they want to do with her, and which direction they want to take her in.

But, importantly than her personality for our purposes, is her lack of unique skills and attributes. Because she still is essentially a baby, she really hasn't had any time to develop her own skills or find her own interests. Like, Lincoln said in that one episode, she's pretty much still a clean slate. I mean, she's a lot less of a clean slate than she was at the beginning of the show when she was still an infant, but she's a clean slate at this time regardless.

So, it is kind of hard to come up with gameplay abilities for her in a 3D platformer Loud House game. It's just as hard, if not harder to come up with gameplay abilities for Lily than it is for Lori. I might've dropped the ball when I said that Lori was the hardest one to come up with gameplay abilities for. The only thing that I can think of is that since she's smaller than any other Loud children, you can have her walk or crawl into space that would otherwise be accessible to the other characters.

Then of course, with the idea of all the Loud family or all of the Loud children specifically being playable, and you getting to choose which character you play as,  you could do this thing where you can choose which character you fight the final boss with, and depending on which character you beat them with, the ending of the game will be different. I think I would be a fun idea, and it would people another reason to keep playing or play the game again, so they can try out beating the final boss with different characters, and get the different endings. I'll talk more about the endings in a moment, but just keep in mind that I want to have multiple endings for each playable character in the game. You can expand upon some of the endings with DLC expansions.

Which brings me to the question of DLC. What kind of DLC if any can you do for a Loud House game? Besides costumes/skins, the kind of DLC I would like to see if story extensions or expansions as they call them in the gaming world, like have the game continue with more levels and more story related missions or whatever. Like, I said I was thinking that you could an expansion that follows up on one of the endings or a couple of the endings of the main game, like maybe the canonical ending and one of the "non-canonical" endings.

I was thinking that you could do an expansion that focuses on Lucy and her friend group in the Mortician's Club. You could even have some of the Mortician's Club members be playable in this expansion too, like Boris, or Haiku, or Persephone, or Dante. I was thinking that you could do an expansion where the Loud sisters meet the male versions of themselves ♂︎ from that Season 1 episode, "One of the Boys ♂︎." I understand that whole episode was all just a dream ๐Ÿ’ญ, and the Loud brothers don't actually exist in-universe, but it would cool and funny if we actually made them real, and have them interact with the sisters, especially in a video game context.

Maybe, Lincoln could even meet a female version of himself ♀︎, and maybe she could actually be named Linca like that episode where Lincoln had a second nightmare about still being stuck in the alternate universe where his sisters are boys ♂︎, only he's also a girl ♀︎. I understand that "One of the Boys ♂︎" is one of the most disliked episodes of the series (at least by some people), but I think it would be fun idea to have the Loud children face off against their genderbent counterparts.
I was also thinking you could do an expansion that focuses on Ronnie Anne, and have it either a sequel to the main game, continuing on from the events of the main game, or have it be a sidequel, meaning that it takes place during the events of the main game. I know not everyone would be on board with that. Ronnie Anne is kind of a polarizing character within the Loud House fanbase, and not everyone likes her, and even the ones that do like her only like her because she's a potential love interest ❤️ for Lincoln, and they only like her for the idea of her being together with him in a romantic capacity ❤️.

But, I don't hate Ronnie Anne, I actually kind of like her, and I don't just like her because she may or may not be Lincoln's love interest ❤️. I don't care at all about the romance ❤️ or potential romance ❤️ between Lincoln and Ronnie Anne. It just doesn't interest me at all, and I think it detracts from both characters. I hope that the writers don't lean more into this in the future, and don't actually make them a couple. Especially considering that Ronnie Anne's brother is already dating one of Lincoln's sisters. Like, how would that relationship work in the long run? 
Like, if Bobby and Lori's relationship is as long lasting as the show is portraying it, and they end up getting married ๐Ÿ’ at some point, then how could Lincoln and Ronnie Anne still date each other and be a couple? They'd basically be part of the same family now. They'd be step siblings at that point, or cousins or whatever.  I don't know, could you still date someone if one of your siblings is already dating or is married to that person's sibling ๐Ÿ’? Would that be wrong or taboo? There's a lot of uncomfortable implications, a lot of easily avoidable questions, with that relationship if it were to go romantic ❤️. The writers of the show would be better off not opening that can of worms.

Besides, why must Ronnie Anne be reduced to just being a love interest ❤️ anyway? Isn't that sort of sexist to have a female character ♀︎ that only exists to be an item or a prize for a male character ♂︎? I think she's a pretty cool and fun character on her own. Even if The Casagrandes did kind of just turn her into the female version of Lincoln ♀︎. Like, she serves the same purpose in the show, and she does many of the same things that he does, such as coming up with harebrained schemes to get out of tough situations or avoid consequences. They might as well have just referred to her as the "woman ♀︎ with a plan" since Lincoln's the "man ♂︎ with a plan."

But, besides The Casagrandes trying to turn her into the female equivalent ♀︎ to Lincoln, she really wasn't the reason why that show failed or why it didn't worked. It was more so the characters surrounding her, particularly the Casagrandes themselves and her friend group. If it weren't for those characters, if the show just focused on Ronnie Anne, her older brother, Bobby (who's Lori's boyfriend), and their mother, and didn't change locations to Great Lake City, then it could have been decent. It would've been a radically different show, it wouldn't have been The Casagrandes, but that's the point. It would've been a radically different show from The Loud House, with a much different family dynamic. Instead of it trying to be a pale imitation of The Loud House but with a Latino family living in the inner city instead of a white family living in a suburb.

But anyway, the point is that I like Ronnie Anne, and she can be a good character if she's written well, and isn't forced to fill a role that she doesn't quite fit, and I think a DLC expansion centered around her could be interesting. You can have her use skateboarding abilities ๐Ÿ›น during gameplay, and have sections dedicated to skateboarding ๐Ÿ›น. Like, you could have her compete with Lynn Jr. and the two could race each other, with Lynn Jr. on roller blades ๐Ÿ›ผ or on foot and Ronnie Anne on skateboard ๐Ÿ›น. You'd have a nice character interaction that we hardly ever get to see, and you'd be incorporating Ronnie Anne's main skill.

That finally brings me to the story, the thing that's just as important, if not more important than the gameplay. I mean, there are games out there that can get by just gameplay alone, and they can have really thin stories or no story at all. But, I personally like to have stories in my games. Most of the Mario games are like that, where they rely more on gameplay and not so much on story. A lot of them do have stories, but they're usually pretty thin and basic stories. Even in genres that doesn't really have stories all the time like the racing game genre or the fighting game genre or the party game genre. Like Lights, Camera, Pants ๐ŸŽฌ, that SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ party game I mentioned earlier, that game had a story. It had a narrative that carried you through from each gameplay section. It wasn't a lot, but it was something.

Having a story in a game just makes it more appealing to me. It gives more of a reason to be invested, and keep playing by giving me characters I can latch on to and giving me a story to be invested in.  I mean, I'm a storyteller, I am a guy who likes writing stories (even if I haven't written one in a while) and writing about stories, I care a lot about narratives and why things are happening and who they're happening to. And when you have a video game based on a movie or TV show, two forms of entertainment where story and characters are king and are the most important things, you have more of a reason to emphasize those and put a greater importance on those.

So, I would definitely want a Loud House game to have a story, and I would want to have the characters be center stage instead of just the gameplay. The gameplay is important, that's why I talked about it at length in this post, but the story and characters come first. You would lose a lot of the appeal of The Loud House if you didn't have some cutscenes where you can see the characters interact with each other on screen. But, even just beyond seeing characters interact in cutscenes, you can expand it out into gameplay, where you can actually talk to NPCs, just like in Battle for Bikini Bottom.

You can even have the game sort of be open world and not 100% linear, and have the NPCs give you tasks that you can choose to complete or not, and if you do, then they'll give you a reward. That way you can move at your own pace, and play whichever levels or do whatever side quests you want. You can give the player the option to choose the dialogue responses to whatever the NPCs say, and depending on what they say, you can have the player's choices affect the outcome of the game. That would be a fun idea, and make this stand out from the other video games based on Nicktoons or any other cartoon show on either Cartoon Network or on Disney Channel.

Depending on what the story was, this would be a great opportunity to showcase all of the fun and wacky recurring side characters of the show, and show them interacting with the Loud siblings, whichever one you're playing as at that time. Royal Woods could even be the hub world for the game, just like Bikini Bottom was in Battle for Bikini Bottom, or depending on the story, it could one of many worlds you could visit and interact with at any time after visiting for the first time.

So, what would be the story of the game? I really don't know. I don't really have any specific ideas on what the story of the game could be. I'd have to really brainstorm some ideas and think about it longer. But, I'd just say that I'll just leave those details to the writers can join the project, whoever they would be. I'm sure they could come up with something good if they had the creativity and the time to do it.

But, I thinking that the story could be about something or someone threatening the town of Royal Woods, and the Louds having to step in and stop it. They introduce a new bad guy specifically for this game, or be some outside force that no one really understands, or maybe it could be one of Lisa's failed experiments that's causing a ruckus or something. Or it could be about them going on an adventure of some kind, traveling out of Royal Woods and either going across the state of Michigan (because that's where Royal Woods and Great Lake City are both located), or even a full globe trotting adventure, going around the world, or going to some alternate dimension or universe.

Perhaps, you can go meta with the game, and have the framing story be about Lincoln convincing his sisters that they should all make a video game about themselves, and the game that we play is what they came up with. Sort of like what The Simpsons Game did. The Loud House has never gotten that meta, despite all the fourth wall breaking narration where Lincoln talks directly to the audience, but I think something like that could work, especially since they've done similar things in the show, like Lincoln decided to write his own superhero comic book, and included all of his sisters as superheroes apart of his team.

Now, which game studio and game developer would I want to handle this game? Personally, I would want the people who did SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿ’ฆ and SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake ๐Ÿงฝ๐Ÿ”ฎ, Purple Lamp Studios and the publisher, THQ Nordic. I don't know if THQ Nordic has the Loud House license, if you they can actually publish any Loud House games if they so choose, or if only GameMill does. I imagine that they do considering that they own license to other Nickelodeon properties, including SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ, The Fairly OddParents (I believe), Tak and the Power of Juju, and Jimmy Neutron.

So, if they have all those and more, then I'm sure that they also have the license for The Loud House, the second most popular animated show on Nickelodeon right now. I trust them and Purple Lamp Studios with the property more than I do GameMill, Bamtang Games, and Fair Play Labs. Not to say everything GameMill and those studios have put out is bad, but their output is a lot more mixed and varies more drastically in quality than THQ Nordic and all of the studios they work with's output. And I feel that they are most qualified and in the best position to deliver the Loud House game that we all deserve.

Lastly, what of the title? What should the title of this Loud House game be? Well, I'd personally go with The Loud House Video Game. It's the simplest and it's to the point. It would allow the game to be the definitive Loud House game. Or they could just do a subtitle like a lot of these license games do. I don't know what that subtitle would be. It would depend on what the plot was. But, it allow them to make more Loud House games in the future, and not have this one bear the weight of being the "definitive" one, and it make categorizing them all a lot easier. But, I like The Loud House Video Game as a title since there's The Loud House Movie. It just goes together, it rhymes, and they play off each other well. I hope that makes sense, and I'm wording that right.

(This is a screenshot from The Loud House. It's from the Season 1 episode, "Heavy Meddle." It's the episode that introduces Ronnie Anne without actually introducing Ronnie Anne. We never actually see what she looks like in the episode, we just see the notes she wrote. But, we feel her presence throughout the entire thing. They do eventual show her in all her glory, but that's a few episodes down the line from this one. I picked this screenshot because it's one of the few that I have that has all the Loud children together in one shot. This shot right here is pretty much what The Loud House is all about. One boy ♂︎ in the middle of 10 girls ♀︎. 
This is from Season 1, it's the second episode of Season 1 in fact. So, this was still when Lincoln's relationship with his sisters was more antagonistic, and when his sister weren't really treated as characters, but as obstacles that Lincoln had to overcome. But, we've moved past all that, and the Loud sisters are finally being treated as actual characters with personalities, wants, and desires of their own, their own lives and their own problems with their own episodes dedicated to each of them. And when the Loud children are all together, and not off on their own solo adventures, they're usually working together, rather than fighting one another like in Season 1 or Season 2.)
Update (Friday January 26, 2024): 
(This is a screenshot from The Loud House. It's from the Season 1 episode, "Making the Case." The reason why all the Loud sisters look all mad and upset in this shot is because they're all mad at Lincoln for showing embarassing videos of them at school for his school project. This episode was actually paired up with "Heavy Meddle," the episode the other screenshot is from, like they're both segments of the same episode, and both make up Season 1 episode 2 and episode 2 overall. Again, this was still when Lincoln had a more antagonistic relationship with his sisters. 
A lot of the plots in Season 1 involve Lincoln being at odds with his sisters, and them getting in the way of whatever he wants to do or whatever he wants, and him trying to "defeat" them, or they were about Lincoln and his sisters being mad at each other and bickering at each other, which was the case with this episode. Lincoln was always the protagonist and his sisters were usually always the antagonists and always treated as a monolith rather than as their own individuals. 
My guess is that the reason why it was like this at the beginning is that Chris Savino, the disgraced creator of the show, wanted Lincoln to have a more adversarial relationship with his sisters, like be about a boy ♂︎ being against 10 girls ♀︎, or show how hard and annoying it can be to be the only boy ♂︎ in a family with mostly girls ♀︎. But, then after Season 1, they started moving away from this because even they realized that it all a little too mean-spirited and perhaps a bit sexist, so they starting doing more episodes where Lincoln actually got along with his sisters, and they actually work together as a unit. And they stopped treating the sisters as an homogeneous group, more as their own individuals with their own lives, their own wants and desire, by giving each of them their own episodes for them to shine.) 
I just realized I forgot to talk about something in this post. Something that's really important, especially to gamers, how long should this Loud House game be? One thing that I've learned from watching a lot of video game reviews on YouTube is that gamers don't like games that are too short or too long. Unless it's something like Elder Scrolls, or Dark Souls, or Elden Ring, then gamers generally don't like overly long games. And in some ways, I can understand that.

I've been hesitant to play Death Stranding because of how long it is, and also because it seems like nothing more than a Hideo Kojima vanity project that's trying too hard to be profound, artsy, and confusing on purpose. At the same time, I don't like games that are too short either. Unless it's something like Skull Island: Rise of Kong, I prefer to play games that have a little of meat to them, games that you can immerse yourself in for a month or a few months, rather than just a few days or a few weeks.

So, for this Loud House game I'm proposing, I would go with a 6 hour or 8 hour runtime. Probably 8 hours because I believe that's how long Super Mario Odyssey is. Sure, not everyone would finish the game in 8 hours, including myself, but at least, it would be long enough and meaty enough to satisfy most gamers and give them something to spend a lot of time with for however long they want, rather than something that they can easily speed through in just 2 or 3 hours. I may be speaking for myself, but people like to play at their own pace, and a game that's overly short doesn't really allow for that. With a game that's overly long, it's sort of the opposite because while you can play at your own pace, you get tired of playing it after awhile, and you want to play something else.

So, I think 8 hours is a good enough length for a Loud House game, I think most people would be satisfied with that. It would be longer than Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated ๐Ÿ’ฆ and The Cosmic Shake, which are both 6 hours, 5 hours at the least, and 7 hours at the most. I don't know exactly how long those two games are. Please let me know in the comments, but only if you have Google account because Blogger only allows people to comment if they have a Google account.


Update (Saturday January 27, 2024):
(This is another screenshot from The Loud House. It's from the Season 2 episode, "The Whole Picture," where Lincoln accidentally deletes all of his baby pictures, and he employs his best friend, Clyde to help him recreate them all. I believe this is from the ending of the episode where Lincoln finally tells his sisters what he was trying to do all day, and then they all reminisce about all the memories they have of him as a baby. I took this screenshot from a video compilation on YouTube that I downloaded onto my computer ๐Ÿ’ป. The video didn't state the titles of the episodes that the clips were from, so it completely slipped my mind this was from "The Whole Picture." But, this is another screenshot that shows all of the Loud siblings together in one shot, plus Clyde. He's the kid that's lying against the tree ๐ŸŒณ that Leni is fanning ๐Ÿชญ. I decided to show it here since I posted another update, and I wanted to put these screenshots that I've taken from Loud House YouTube videos to good use. I'm not using them for wallpapers, so I might as well use them for my blog. And I'd rather put these at the top of the updates than just emojis.)
Another thing I forgot to mention, and this is a big one for me, music. Music is just as important for video games as it is for movies. It sets the tone, establishes the atmosphere, and it gets you pumped. A video game without good music is lesser than. Like, if a video game has bad or forgettable music, then I take points off of it. That has always been one of Nintendo's strong suits. Even when their games aren't the best, the music in them is still great. I mean, the music is big part of the reason why I like Super Mario Sunshine ☀️, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Super Mario Odyssey, and Super Mario 3D World, the game I'm currently playing at the time of me writing this. All of the SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ games, or at least, all of the ones put out by THQ and THQ Nordic have good music. Even a game like Zapper: One Wicked Cricket ⚡️๐Ÿฆ— got this right.

So, any Loud House game will need to have good music. I don't know any video game composers by name. Nintendo seems to have all the best ones, and the game studios/publishers in America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ just use movie composers most of the time, so I really don't know who could do the musical score for this Loud House game. But, whoever does it, I would want to make sure that whosever job is to find a composer for the game does a good job vetting them, and seeing how their music sounds, and what they can bring to the table.

Another thing too, no recycled music ♻️๐ŸŽต from the show. It has to all be original music created specifically for the game, just like how a lot of the SpongeBob ๐Ÿงฝ games did. The only real exception to that was the Truth or Square game which did use music from the show. But, I would not want this Loud House game to take that approach, and instead take more of a Battle for Bikini Bottom (original and Rehydrated ๐Ÿ’ฆ), Movie game, Creature from the Krusty Krab ๐Ÿ”, and The Cosmic Shake approach.

If done right, this game could have an amazing soundtrack that people will be listening to for years. They'll go on YouTube, and seek out the tracks just to get that nostalgic feeling of playing this Loud House game. That's what I want this soundtrack to do, to invoke those kind of feelings, and give people a feeling of nostalgia when they hear it later on down the line.


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